"Discover. Apply. Change."

Join my newsletter to discover yourself, apply what is right for you, and change the way you want.
    Hey there, I'm Görkem! If you'd like to learn more about me, feel free to check out the about page. In a nutshell, I write about discovering yourself, gaining clarity in your life, and following your unique path. I've got a four-step, actionable guide to support you on these journeys.

    Life Guide
    How to Draw and Follow Your Unique Path in Life
    Jobcrafting Guide
    Finding What You Want & Getting What You Want
    Reading Guide
    How to Find Joy in Reading and Make it a Habit
    Speaking Guide
    How to Improve Pronunciation and Cognitive Abilities
    I'm also building hubs to help you apply these guides to your lives in an entertaining way. These hubs offer a practical way to implement the philosophy, perspective, and all the detailed steps explained in the guides above. And I use gamification and storytelling techniques to make everything fun. Here are the hubs I have for you.

    Life Hub
    Drawing Your Unique Path and Walking on It with Clarity and Confidence
    Career Hub
    Building and Shaping Your Career on Traditional Path
    Reading Hub
    Enjoying Reading and Making It a Fundamental Part of Your Life
    Discovery Hub
    Finding What You Want as a Job
    Creator Hub
    Building and Shaping Your Career as a Creator