About Me

Hey there, thanks for visiting my website!

In the big picture, I talk about discovering yourself, gaining clarity in your life and following your unique path.

I know it’s quite broad. Let’s look at details.

Currently, I have four step by step actionable guide on;

Life Guide
How to Draw and Follow Your Unique Path in Life
Jobcrafting Guide
Finding What You Want & Getting What You Want
Reading Guide
How to Find Joy in Reading and Make it a Habit
Speaking Guide
How to Improve Pronunciation and Cognitive Abilities

I'm also building hubs to apply those guides to our lives. Hubs give you a concrete way to implement the philosophy, perspective, and all the detailed steps explained in the guides above. I use the Notion platform for building hubs. Currently, I have the following hubs:

Life Hub
Drawing Your Unique Path and Walking on It with Clarity and Confidence
Career Hub
Building and Shaping Your Career on Traditional Path
Reading Hub
Enjoying Reading and Making It a Fundamental Part of Your Life

I also have two hubs which are in the beta phase:

Discovery Hub
Finding What You Want as a Job
Creator Hub
Building and Shaping Your Career as a Creator

My Purpose

Time is the most precious thing in this life. I want to help you save time;

  • By eliminating time on trial and error,
  • By preventing time spent on the content chaos,
  • Creating systems which works for you.

I'm doing this by providing straightforward, condensed information and systems on the topics I focus on.

My Story

I was born in a small and quiet town. My younger years and 20s were tough, filled with stress and sadness. I faced many challenges both financially and emotionally.

I grew up with an insecure and fearful inner world. It made me introverted and afraid to express myself. I struggled to understand myself, other people, and the world around me. I looked at life with quite pessimistic eyes.

For a long time, I couldn't escape this cycle. Until one day, something triggered a change. I read a book. I felt understood. I felt I was not alone. This small event sparked something.

Over the next 10 years, I read 1000 books. My perspective on myself and the world changed. I started to believe that things could improve and problems could be resolved. I immersed myself in research and learning. I started to understand myself. I started to communicate.

Many things got better; good friendships, good relationships, a healthy body, and mind.

At some point, I wanted to share what I learned. I also wanted to create good sparks.

That's why I'm here.

I’m sharing the philosophy and concrete action steps of the subjects I know well. So that you can apply them to your own life without losing time on search.

Personal Projects and Interests

Moving Abroad

I enjoy taking on new challenges. That's why I moved from a small town in Turkey to Istanbul for university. This was a huge step for a seventeen-year-old.

After seventeen years in Istanbul, I moved to the Netherlands to experience a different culture. It was a challenging time from start to finish. That's why I made a guide on the process. You can find it below.


Honestly, I don't enjoy fast-paced travel. I prefer to take things slow. When I travel, I try to fully explore and experience each place.

Lately, I've been sharing my discoveries on Google Maps. If you're interested, you can check out my profile below;

Contributions by Gorkem Gumustekin
Level 5 Local Guide | 1,341 Points


You can reach out to me via my social media channels (Top right corner of website) or my email address: info@gorkemgumustekin.com.