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    Career Hub

    Building and Shaping Your Career on Traditional Path

    7 min read
    Career Hub - A Woman Working on a Desk

    Table of contents

    I followed the traditional career path for a long time. I saw firsthand that a traditional career can be painful, boring, and life-consuming. I experienced those things many times.

    Most of us live this way, but it can also be a joyful, rewarding, and exciting path.

    Now, imagine a future where your career is not just a job, but a fulfilling journey that includes:

    • A dream to follow,
    • Clear goals to achieve that dream,
    • A detailed roadmap to keep you in the right direction,
    • Success, good income, and nice colleagues along the way.

    My purpose with Career Hub is to help you get these.

    It's possible if you know where you're going, why you're going, and how you're going.

    What is Career Hub?

    Career Hub is a comprehensive and connected set of Notion pages, databases, tables and much more. That's why I named it "Hub". It's an effective way to apply everything in the Traditional Career section of Jobcrafting Guide. For more details about what's inside, you can check the "What Will You Get?" section.

    Career Hub

    Who is This Hub For?

    • If you want to manage your career efficiently,
    • If you're stuck in a role or company that isn't fulfilling,
    • If you can't find a decent job to support yourself or your family,
    • If you're considering changing your role or company to improve salary or position,
    • If you've lost your motivation and enthusiasm for your job or have experienced burnout,
    • If you're tired of doing work that isn't suitable for you and want to switch to a different path,

    Then, this hub is for you.

    If you're unsure of what you want and need help discovering it, I have another hub designed specifically for this purpose.

    What Will You Get?

    Let's explore Career Hub. Below, you'll find information about each component of Career Hub. Also, I highly recommend reading the Traditional Career section of Jobcrafting Guide to better understand the whole idea and structure behind it.


    • Resume Templates: Minimal, easy-to-read, well-organized, and concise resume templates.
    • Resume Example: My personal resume example, prepared based on everything in the Jobcrafting Guide.
    • Prompts to Draft and Improve Your Resume: Prompts for work experience, hard and soft skills, summary, and overall resume.
    • Resume Checklist: The 16 most important points to check in your resume.
    • Your Resume Database: A database for storing your master resume and job-specific resumes.

    Cover Letter

    • Cover Letter Template: A concise, attention-grabbing cover letter template in the same style as the resume template.
    • Cover Letter Examples: Examples of my own cover letters that I used when applying for jobs in Europe.
    • Prompt to Draft Your Cover Letter: A detailed prompt to draft a cover letter tailored to the applied job based on your resume.
    • Cover Letter Checklist: The 14 most important points to check in your cover letter.
    • Your Cover Letter Database: A database for storing your job-specific cover letters and example cover letters that you found on the internet for future use.

    LinkedIn Optimization

    • LinkedIn Checklist: 14 key things to check on your LinkedIn profile.


    • Networking & Contact List: Database for managing all of your contacts, including categorization, communication, status, etc.
    • Networking Email Templates: 12 different email templates on various topics such as initial outreach, career changes, seeking advice, etc.
    • Networking Checklist: The 7 most important points to consider for your networking activities.

    Finding and Applying For Jobs

    • Application List: A database to manage all of your applications, which can be used easily with Notion Web Clipper.
    • Finding and Applying For Jobs Email Templates: Four different email templates for the application process, such as follow-up, asking for feedback, etc.
    • Finding and Applying For Jobs Checklist: The 15 most important points to consider in your job application process.


    • Interview Questions and Answers: Here you'll find the 30 most frequently asked questions in interviews, covering behavioral, knowledge-based, and challenging questions. This section also provides templates for answers, examples, and points to think about when preparing your responses.
    • AI Prompts For Interviews: Prompts for mock interviews, answer checks, and interview warm-ups.
    • Interview Email Templates: 5 different email templates for the interview process, such as responses to rejections, follow-ups after no response, etc.
    • Presentation Example and Template: Minimalist presentation template for interviews to visually display your background.
    • Interviews Checklist: The 18 most important points to consider in your interview process.


    • Negotiations Checklist: 9 different points to consider during negotiation process for better salaries.

    Starting New Job Strong

    • First Weeks At Your New Job Checklist: 11 crucial things to do when starting your new job.

    Career Planning

    This part includes a simple guide to help you define your dream goal. It helps you set your SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals, which are important for making your dream manageable. It also helps you list out the tasks related to these goals. It's a tool made for you to build and follow your own career path, giving you a clear direction and action plan to reach your career dreams.

    Dashboard For Your Career

    This component is your personal guide to tracking your career path. With the help of this dashboard, you'll be able to manage your tasks and goals in a much more effective way, all while keeping your career dream in mind.

    This way, you will always see where you're going, why you're going, and how you're going.

    How This Hub will Change?

    Career Hub will continue to improve and expand, just like my other hubs. With your one-time payment, you will receive lifetime access.

    This means that whenever I learn or discover something new, I will update this hub and inform you.

    Updates could include:

    • New templates for emails, resumes, cover letters etc.
    • New examples for resume, cover letter, questions, answers etc.
    • New components based on changes in traditional career path in the world,
    • Unique ways to manage and improve your career path for fulfillment, peace and happiness.

    Buy This Hub

    Career Hub - A Man Working on a Desk

    You can click below to purchase "Career Hub". After your payment, an instructions file will be emailed to you. You can access Career Hub via those instructions.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the format of Career Hub?

    I built Career Hub on the Notion platform. You can also refer to it as a Notion template.

    What is Notion?

    Based on their definition, Notion is a single space where you can think, write, and plan. Capture thoughts, manage projects, or even run an entire company — and do it exactly the way you want.

    If you want more detailed information, you can check this link.

    How can I use Notion?

    Notion has a free plan for personal use. This means that you don't need to pay anything to use Notion, or in other words, to use my hubs.

    You can sign up through this link and start using it. You can use it on a browser, on your phone, and on your desktop. All of them will be synchronized automatically.

    Why did you use Notion?

    Because it's a very flexible, powerful, minimalistic, and easy-to-use tool. My entire workflow runs on Notion. I use Notion to manage my life. It's that important and useful to me.

    Who should not buy this hub?

    Career Hub is a set of examples, templates, questions, structures, and steps to guide you. It's not going to provide a final output for each component without your effort, thoughts, and time. Some of them will require very limited effort, while others may require a certain amount of work.

    Therefore, if you're looking for a product that will give you everything without effort, this product is not for you. This product is not a "hack" or "trick," so to speak.

    What happens after I buy?

    Once you purchase, you'll receive instructions for duplicating Career Hub into your Notion workspace. You'll have immediate access to Career Hub and can start using it right away.

    Does this include lifetime access?

    Absolutely. You can access it for as long as you'd like without any additional payment.

    Will I need to pay more for future updates?

    Absolutely not! Consider this as a live hub. I'll be making regular updates as I uncover new information and insights. Plus, I'll be eagerly collecting feedback from all of its users and expanding the hub based on their input.

    You'll always have access to the most recent version whenever you desire. While I plan on increasing the cost for future customers as the value of the hub grows, you won't need to worry about paying more than you already have.

    What is the refund policy?

    You can check my refund policy in the relevant section of “Terms and Conditions”.

    In short, this product doesn't come with a refund option since it's a digital product and cannot be returned. I appreciate your understanding that this helps avoid misuse.

    Let me gently warn you about this matter. Before buying this product:

    1. Have a look at my social media accounts to get an idea of my expertise on this topic.
    2. Go through the comprehensive 59,000+ word "Jobcrafting Guide" which explains the logic behind this product in thorough detail.
    3. If you're acting on impulse, maybe take a moment to reconsider.

    If you still find yourself unsure, feel free to follow me and sign up for my newsletter to get a better feel for my content.

    Take your time, you can always come back and purchase it whenever you're ready!

    How does this differ from other Notion templates on this topic?

    There's a plethora of Notion templates out there, crafted by talented creators, but most of them are lacking in either big picture or details.

    Career Hub is not just another Notion template. It's more than that. It contains a vast amount of knowledge, example, templates, structure, and experience. Career Hub keeps the big picture in sight while also guiding you through the details.

    The following aspects also set Career Hub apart:

    • I built this hub based on my 13+ years of experience in a traditional career.
    • Since university, I've actively shaped my career. This approach led me to work for top-tier companies, earn promotions, and relocate to Europe. All these experiences and learnings are encapsulated in this hub.
    • I was able to validate many things in this hub through my personal career in the real world.
    • Finally, this isn't just a product I'm selling – it's a tool I use too. I have big plans to continue improving, expanding, and utilizing Career Hub for many years to come.

    Have more questions? Email your question to and I'll answer it!