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    Creator Hub

    Building and Shaping Your Career as a Creator

    22 min read
    Creator Hub - Man Creating on a Desk

    Table of contents

    For a long time, I have dreamed of becoming a creator. I wanted to do it through writing, but I couldn't find the way.

    I didn't know where to start, how to grow, or how to turn it into a concrete business. There wasn't enough information or guidance on the internet.

    I have tried many things. I maintained a personal blog for a long time. Then, I opened a YouTube channel and tried to grow it. I also experimented with other social media channels.

    All of them failed because I didn't have a clear path. I didn't know how to build my career as a creator.

    Now, I know. I have distilled everything I learned over the last ten years and prepared a comprehensive creator guide and creator hub to apply everything in the guide.

    In this guide and hub, I provide easy-to-follow steps to build your creator career. It includes the following elements:

    • Where to start and how to start,
    • Aspects of online business,
    • Creating a business plan,
    • Implementing the business plan (detailed steps on building an online business),
    • How to monetize your online business,
    • How to maintain and grow your online business.

    I prefer fully finished products, which is why it's not here yet.

    I'm still absorbing information from the internet and also testing all the steps which I will share with you in the near future.

    The hub will be here when it is complete. Meanwhile, if you want to know how it's going, you can subscribe to a specific newsletter below to get updates about this hub.

      Creator Hub - A Woman Creating on a Desk