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    Every one of us has a unique combination of experiences, knowledge, and thoughts. As we live, our perspectives begin to detail and deepen in areas that we focus on. Over time, we can collect ideas, insights, lessons, and connect them like the pieces of a puzzle.

    I did this for the topics which I care a lot. I carefully glued the pieces of the puzzle together, created a clear big picture, and fitted it into a useful frame. If you want to visualize this, you can think of each newsletter issue as pieces of a puzzle. The completed guide itself is the big picture, and the hub is the frame into which everything is fitted.

    Essentially, I've builded Hubs for you to apply what's written in the guides to your lives.

    When you use the hubs, there will be concrete changes in your life. You will be able to do the following things much more easily.

    • Getting what you want through actionable structure,
    • Creating useful systems and maintaining consistency in many areas,
    • Clearly seeing the big picture, managing and monitoring your life according to what you want.

    I have three hubs ready for you to use and two hubs in the beta phase. You can check the links below to find out exactly what you will get from each hub.

    Ready to Use Hubs

    Life Hub
    Drawing Your Unique Path and Walking on It with Clarity and Confidence
    Career Hub
    Building and Shaping Your Career on Traditional Path
    Reading Hub
    Enjoying Reading and Making It a Fundamental Part of Your Life

    Hubs in Beta Phase

    Discovery Hub
    Finding What You Want as a Job
    Creator Hub
    Building and Shaping Your Career as a Creator