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    Life Guide

    How to Draw and Follow Your Unique Path in Life

    52 min read
    Life Guide - A Girl Walking On The Road

    Table of contents

    “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” Kierkegaard


    Life is an exciting journey and it is unique for every one of us. Here, I talk about this journey and how we can draw our own paths.

    The Purpose of This Guide

    The main purpose of this guide is to introduce you to a powerful tool: questions.

    Questions can be signposts on your life journey. If you can ask them at the right time and with the right perspective, they can lead you to the right path.

    They can clear your mind and eliminate chaos from your life. They support you in walking your path with clarity and confidence.

    I'll delve into various ways of using questions to achieve them, from daily life activities to finding your life purpose and beyond.

    All of this is to create a better life for all of us.

    This is a live guide. It means that when I learn or discover something new, I will update this guide. If you want me to notify you about updates, click here.

    I also suggest checking "Life Hub" to better comprehend the purpose of this guide, as Life Hub and Life Guide are closely linked.

    Who is This Guide For?

    • If you don't know how to shape your life,
    • If you seek clarity and confidence in what you do,
    • If you wish to deep dive into issues and make the right decisions,
    • If you aim to eliminate incorrect or unnecessary ideas and beliefs,

    Then, this guide is for you.

    In fact, it is for everyone, regardless of your past, personality, age, background, or culture.

    What Will You Get?

    By the end of this guide, you will gain the following:

    1. Powerful questions on various topics.
    2. A unique perspective on how to use questions in your life.
    3. Question-based guides on fundamental aspects of your life.
    4. An actionable structure to implement everything in Life Guide (Life Hub).
    5. Extra resources (books, movies, talks) to support your life journey.

    How to Use This Guide?

    I recommend you use this guide in the following order:

    1. Read the first four sections right away. They will give you perspective on this guide.
    2. Try to answer the example questions in the "The Questions" section. You will experience the effects of powerful questions.
    3. Check the fundamentals and concepts sections and deep dive into topics of interest. You will get detailed guidance on these fundamentals and concepts.
    4. Use Life Hub to implement everything in this guide and more into your life. You will have a structured, actionable plan for your life.
    5. Check the sources section to support your journey. You will find valuable content on personal development.

    How to Apply This Guide?

    You can apply everything in this guide and much more via following hub. If you want detailed information, click on it.

    Life Hub
    Drawing Your Unique Path and Walking on It with Clarity and Confidence

    Story of This Guide and Me

    I've always found it hard to fit into traditional systems like education, business, and community rules. They didn't guide me well.

    I didn't feel comfortable or happy in these structures, often finding them boring.

    So, I had to forge my own path.

    I didn't know where to begin. For some time, I looked for practical solutions. I tried to see the bigger picture, exposing myself to different situations to understand myself and my desires.

    I read and thought a lot. But it wasn't enough. It felt disorganized and inefficient.

    I was searching for a guiding principle to base my life on. I was looking for a meta skill to lead me forward.

    One day, I came across a powerful question that changed my perspective. It was something I had been overlooking. I realized the skill I was seeking was the ability to question everything.

    However, I didn't immediately see its potential impact on my life. I wasn't sure how to actively incorporate it.

    Then, I learned how to use questions to shape my path. They became a fundamental part of my daily routine. I started to question:

    • What's important to me,
    • What I want in life,
    • How I feel in different situations,
    • Why I do what I do (habits, routines, daily activities),
    • And more.

    This skill gave me clarity in life. It helped me find my way.

    That's why I want to share this knowledge, this perspective with you. This is one of the most important meta-skills you can learn in your life. You can apply it to everything in your life.

    Even though we are all unique, it can help every one of us.

    It doesn't matter that we all have different pasts, personalities, goals.

    It doesn't matter that we're changing throughout our lives.

    Questions can always guide you through your life.

    The Journey

    Life Guide - A Man Walking on the Road

    Every day you wake up, you think about something, do something, and go somewhere.

    Maybe your concern is to improve something, solve a problem, or achieve a goal.

    Maybe you're trying to reach a specific point.

    Or maybe you just want to feel better.

    Either way, you try many different things.

    Sometimes you progress and enjoy.

    Sometimes you get tired and stop.

    Yet at the end of the day, you keep walking. Because that's life.

    There's always motion and change.

    And you’re moving on your unique path. A path to discover yourself.

    That’s your unique journey.

    It includes countless crossroads, fun paths, and challenging routes.

    It's easy to feel lost or unable to decide which road to follow.

    It's easy to fear upcoming challenges.

    It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the fog on the road.

    But there is a way to walk those paths with confidence and clarity.

    At the same time, make this journey joyful.

    The Questions

    Asking questions is the way. Yes, it's as simple and as complex as that.

    Questions have the power to bring clarity. They help us to understand our situation and desires. They reveal hidden paths that we can explore.

    When you start asking questions, following things also begin to happen:

    • You gain new perspectives,
    • You reveal your assumptions,
    • You encourage yourself to understand more,
    • You can eliminate incorrect or unnecessary ideas and beliefs,
    • Most importantly, it enables you to deep dive into issues and make the right decisions.

    The good thing is, you have had this powerful tool inside your brain since the day you were born.

    You can start using them now, or you can delve deeper into the questions if they're already part of your life.

    Let's demonstrate how questions can affect us.

    We'll focus on key areas: work, health, and relationships.

    There are helpful explanations on each toggle to assist you in answering them.

    Work (Meaning, Purpose)

    What are the things that I really love?

    Typically, the initial thoughts that come to mind when reading this question are correct. They don't require much reflection.

    If you have clear answers, it's important to write them down. Even if they don't seem important to you at first, reflecting on these notes will lead you somewhere. For instance, drawing or teaching.

    • Whatever comes to your mind is important at this point. Don’t underestimate them. They guide you towards related actions and enhance your ability to identify opportunities.
    • Spend more time exploring them to uncover additional possibilities. Over time, new paths will emerge. This will allow you to transition to a lifestyle where these pursuits take a more prominent role. When you have a genuine passion and desire for something, life presents you with opportunities.

    If you can't give a clear answer to this question, it means you're still exploring. During the exploration phase, it's useful to follow clues.

    • Think of good moments from your childhood or past. Think about what you were doing during those moments.
    • Ask your mother, father, or friends who have known you since childhood. What were the things that made you the happiest? What were the activities you spontaneously gave time to?
    • Take a look at your childhood and growing up period. Examine whatever you find, such as photos, videos, diaries.
    • Get into experiences that seem nice to you but that you haven't tried yet. I'm sure there are things that you haven't tried yet. Probably they have been on the tip of your tongue for a while. In short, explore as much as possible and never use expressions like "it's too late".

    What is meaningful for me to spend my time and energy on?

    People generally don't like questioning and searching for meaning because it challenges the current situation. Don't be afraid to ask this question; “What is meaningful to you? “ You don't have to change anything immediately. Just start by asking the question.

    We usually feel this sense of meaning in things we love doing. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Our lives are not just about things we love doing. We can find meaning in various aspects of our life.

    If there is a meaning behind our actions, difficulties become bearable. That's why this question is an important for us.

    When do I feel complete and satisfied?

    This question is a bit challenging compared to the others. It involves several factors to consider, such as enjoying what you do, achieving success, and feeling a sense of belonging.

    • I think the key is to create something that is helpful, brings joy, or creates awareness. It's also important to see that your action has achieved what you intended. When I have these moments, I feel like I've really found my place in the world. How about you? What are the moments that make you feel that way?

    How much does your current job match with your passions and values? Does it truly bring you satisfaction?

    This is probably the question we least like to answer in this section. But on the other hand, it is a question that will bring us closer to a solution.

    If your answer is positive, I am very happy for you. At the same time, I am envious. I’m still trying to match those things in my life.

    If you notice a difference, then it's a good opportunity to reflect. Then, you can consider making some changes. Here’re additional questions in that scenario.

    • The first thing to consider is whether we can make our job more relatable to things we enjoy.
    • The second question is, how can we improve our job? Or should we consider a complete change?
    • As you can see, once you start asking these questions, the answers will come naturally and guide you towards the best decision.

    Health (Physical, Mental)

    What does health mean to me?

    When you think of health, what pops into your mind? Is it just healthy eating?

    • There's more to health than just that. There are many different aspects to consider, such as nutrition, sleep, stress, exercise, habits etc. All of these factors can have a significant impact on both our physical and mental well-being.
    • Taking care of your mental well-being and being mindful of your thoughts is also important. Health is a complicated subject. We need a comprehensive approach from the beginning.

    Do I feel energetic and healthy?

    Regardless of your age and characteristics, do you feel energetic when you wake up in the morning?

    Are you constantly feeling physically tired and unmotivated?

    Sometimes, we get lost in our habits and the rush of daily life, and fail to notice even the simplest truths. That's why I'm asking you something that could be so simple and clear. Are you truly healthy?

    I hope that your answer is positive. If it's not, don't worry! Take note of the ways in which you perceive yourself as unhealthy and begin researching them. This is a topic that will have a fundamental impact on your life, but with some research and effort, you can make positive changes. For more information on this subject, refer to the health section.

    Am I satisfied with the decisions I have made for my health, my habits, and my overall lifestyle in this sense?

    This question helps us understand why we might feel unhealthy. By finding these reasons, we can make changes to improve our health and well-being.

    We all have habits that may not be the best for our health. Sometimes we make decisions that are not in our best interest. This may be because we don't know better or find it hard to change. It's important to recognize these habits and decisions so that we can start asking ourselves, "How can I make them better? How can I change for the good?" Taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle can have a significant impact in the future.


    Do I love myself?

    You may say;

    • “What kind of a question is this?”
    • “It's a silly question.”
    • “It has nothing to do with relationships.”

    Actually, just like everyone else, we have a relationship with ourselves. We have thoughts and feelings about ourselves. Our inner voice gives us indications of this.

    Many of us don't get to choose this as we grow up. We form an image of ourselves and evaluate ourselves based on societal opinions. In reality, we live without knowing our true selves, what we desire, without giving ourselves love and empathy. I believe this is the main cause of internal pain in life.

    We all have bad experiences. We can suffer a lot, but the worst thing is to torture yourself throughout your life. In other words, not loving yourself. Do you love yourself?

    Do I prefer to punish myself or to accept/forgive?

    I asked this to provide a clearer and more detailed explanation of the previous question.

    During my growth period, I had a tendency to punish myself. I would criticize and punish myself for every mistake I made, often resorting to numbing myself. Unhealthy eating habits, feelings of guilt, and an overall unhappy state of mind were common for me.

    However, as I grew older, I came to realize that making mistakes is a natural part of life, and I learned to forgive myself. I began showing love and kindness to myself.

    What about you? What is your situation? Which approach do you prefer?

    Do I have a good communication in my current relationships (family, friends, etc.)?

    Some people have the ability to make you feel comfortable being yourself. You can freely express your thoughts and feelings, even on difficult topics. They make an effort to understand you, or at least listen attentively. And of course, you have the same effect on others.

    In my opinion, this type of communication is a prime example of effective communication. However, it can be challenging to achieve, cultivate, and maintain. But when we do achieve it, it greatly supports us in navigating life's challenges.

    How effective are your own communication skills? How much do you share with your spouse, friends, and family, and how well do you listen to them?

    Can I feel love in my current relationships? Or are they more based on mutual benefit?

    We all have the ability to easily perceive love. Its presence can be felt immediately. I think we mostly experience this through our parents.

    Love serves as the foundation for strong friendships, and more broadly, strong relationships. Only then can a healthy relationship flourish.

    When you think about your friends, partners, and companions, what do you see? Are they people who selflessly share their lives with you, without expecting anything in return? Or are they people who have hidden motives and seek personal satisfaction?

    I know these aren't easy questions to answer, but that’s the point!

    Difficult questions guide us to the correct path. Asking ourselves these questions shows us where we stand in a simple way. They also guide us on what to do next. Those kind of questions are the right questions for us.

    Of course, there are hundreds of questions that can be answered. Everyone has unique life experiences. It's not possible to cover everything with one set of questions.

    It is an example to show;

    • The impact of asking the right questions on us,
    • Our emotional response when we ask ourselves these questions,
    • The process of finding answers,
    • How our viewpoint evolves through questioning.

    Finding The Right Questions

    Think of your life as a big puzzle. You have many interconnected pieces, and you discover new ones throughout your life. As you place these pieces in their correct positions, you start to make sense of the bigger picture.

    In other words, you discover yourself via putting those pieces in your puzzle.

    For me, the purpose of life is to discover myself and fully experience it. Asking the right questions is a significant part of this discovery.

    When you ask a question and honestly answer it, you'll find the right place for the specific piece you're questioning.

    If you keep asking questions your picture will become much clearer. You will be able to put other pieces together easily. Over time, you will feel confidence and clarity in your life. But we need the right questions to do this effectively. Let's concentrate on them now.

    The questions in the previous section are important and deeply related to our lives. They're a great place to start.

    But I'd like to support you more with the following:

    Fundamentals: These are question-based guides for the most important aspects of our lives. They are significant pieces of the puzzle. Currently, I have prepared the following. Check “Fundamentals” section for details.

    Concepts: We all think with words. Each word has a meaning, a concept behind it. These concepts are the architects of our thoughts, actions, and lives. When you start questioning them, you're challenging all your beliefs, prejudices, and thought patterns. Each challenge helps you find the right spot for another piece. Every month, I focus on one concept and challenge it. You can check out some examples below. Check “Concepts” section for more. You can subscribe to my newsletter to receive them regularly. Each month's last issue focuses on one specific concept.

    Sources: If you eat too much, you become fat or gain weight, right? It is same on mental side. What we consume mentally shapes our thoughts. We are influenced by what we read, experience, and witness. That's why I want to share valuable sources with you. Check “Sources” section for details.

    Life Hub: I've guided my life through questions and will keep doing so. If you want my complete support in your journey, you can find everything neatly organized at Life Hub. Life Hub also includes the following:

    • All the crucial questions I've found to steer your life.
    • Question lists for specific situations: Making a Decision, Feeling Uncertain, Finding Your Purpose, etc.
    • An actionable structure to implement everything in this Life Guide.
    • A dashboard to track your actions, which are established based on your responses.
    • Special section for daily journaling with guiding questions.

    How to Use Questions

    You can use questions at both the macro and micro levels.

    Macro Level

    Fundamentals, concepts, and sources will guide you in the big picture. They will help you draw your path. This is at the macro level.

    How to Use Fundamentals

    Flow: They will start with short conceptual definitions. Then, they will dive deep into their subjects with the guidance of related questions. Finally, they will lead you to additional sources.

    Output: If you can answer these questions in order, you'll make clear choices about important parts of your life.

    How to Use Concepts

    Flow: Each concept begins with a personal anecdote. These stories illustrate the concept's role in our lives. This is followed by related questions and suggested books and movies tied to the concept.

    Output: Answering the questions helps you see their influence on your life. You can then overcome any negative impacts. Reading the suggested books and watching the movies will deepen your understanding and provide a healthier perspective on the concept.

    How to Use Sources

    Flow: These resources don't have a particular sequence. They're meant to help your overall personal growth.

    Output: Some may drastically change your life, while others will expand your understanding on various topics.

    Micro Level

    There is also a micro level approach, where you use questions in daily life and in specific situations. This can significantly enhance the quality of your everyday life. Also, it allows you to handle challenging situations more comfortably.

    In Daily Life

    My mood changes a lot during the day, especially when I'm outdoors. A thought, a past memory, or a trigger can swing my mood. I then start thinking about the past or fretting about the future. I look at the past for answers and try to predict the future to avoid harm. Basically, I lose touch with myself.

    At these times, asking myself certain questions helps a lot. When I pause and ask these questions, it's easier to find balance again. It brings me back to the present moment.

    In Decisions

    If I'm faced with an important decision such as a job, relationships, or health, the process can become very complex. I often find myself in chaos, mentally running through different options and potential outcomes. This can lead to confusion and exhaustion in a short amount of time. This can even happen with smaller decisions, especially if you're a perfectionist. For instance, if you're going to buy something and there are countless options and features, it can lead to confusion.

    When this happens, asking questions helps me find the right perspective and make decisions with both my mind and heart. This way, I can figure out what matters to me and decide based on them.

    In Challenging Times

    Life can be quite busy, painful, and challenging. During these times, I struggle to think clearly. I either close myself off to life and focus solely on solving the problem, or I try to escape from the pain. Either way, these challenges create a fog in my mind. I can't see the path clearly. I feel pressured and frightened.

    There are certain questions that can clear this fog and remind me of my values and who I am. I ask these questions to myself to hold onto what is important. Because when you hold onto these tightly during foggy times, you will always feel grateful and peaceful when everything is settled.

    In Life Changes

    Life changes are big events or shifts that change a person's everyday life or outlook. There are two main types: major life events and changes we manage ourselves.

    • Major Life Events: These are important things that happen in life. They might include getting married, getting divorced, becoming a parent, or retiring. These events can change a person's responsibilities and priorities, and even how they see themselves.
    • Change Management: It's about handling new situations, dealing with new challenges, and finding ways to grow. This could mean learning to live with changes, dealing with the emotional and practical sides of change, or even changing your goals and how you see yourself because of new life situations.

    I use questions to manage those life changes peacefully.

    If you want to use questions in both macro and micro level, you can check Life Hub. Life Hub gives you both macro and micro questions and the method for transforming them to actions.


    Fundamentals are significant pieces of the puzzle. They're connected to deep topics such as health, relationships, money, etc. They need special attention.

    That’s why they have a separate section. Let me explain their effect with a different metaphor.

    Now, think of our life as a beautiful building. In this case, we can see fundamentals as the foundations of this building.

    If we can create a building with solid foundations, everything we build on it will stay in place for the rest of our lives. We get the reward of our efforts. But if we don't keep the foundation firm, no matter what we put on it, it is always in danger of collapsing.

    That's why I wanted to prepare directive guides on fundamentals with a questioning approach.

    These guides will help you to look at core aspects of your life from different perspectives and find unique answers for yourself.

    Over time, I will publish more of them. For now:

    • Health: Because almost everything is meaningless without health.
    • Passive Income: Because money means freedom to me. This freedom gives us more time to discover ourselves and fully enjoy life.
    • Movement: Because from the moment we come into this world until the day we leave it, we're always on the move. Why not do it in an efficient and joyful way?
    Our job is a fundamental aspect as well. It's not included here because I created a standalone, comprehensive guide for that topic. You can find it here.

    If you want all of these guides in an organized way, you can check Life Hub. It also includes questions related to all other guides (Reading, Jobcrafting and Speaking).


    “The secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure.”
    Tibetan Proverb

    The Importance of Health

    When we get sick, we realize one thing clearly: nothing is as important as our health. Suddenly, our belongings and wealth don't matter as much. We realize how much our health affects our ability to enjoy life and participate in the world.

    In many ways, good health is like the base of a building. It gives us the support we need to build our lives. Just like a base can be rebuilt or strengthened, we can take steps to improve our health at any time.

    Living a healthy life is a journey, and it's never too late to begin.

    The Elements of Health

    Before delving into the details of how to improve it, let's take a moment to consider what comes to mind when we think of "health."

    There are many frameworks related to the subject. Such as the Health Belief Model, Social Ecological Model, and Five Factor Wellness Model.

    I won't bore you with them. Instead, I will focus on most common and important areas on those models. Pillars of health can be covered by the following elements:

    1. Physical Health: This is about how healthy your body is, including how fit you are, what you eat, and how well you sleep. Your physical surroundings, like where you live and work, can also have a big impact on your health.
    2. Mental Health: This is about how you feel emotionally and mentally, including how well you handle stress, your general mood, and how happy you are.
    3. Spiritual Health: This is about your purpose and meaning in life, as well as your connection to something bigger than you.
    4. Social Health: This is about how well you can connect with others and create good relationships.
    5. Intellectual Health: This is about your ability to engage in critical thinking, learning, and intellectual pursuits.
    6. Financial Health: This is about your ability to manage your finances effectively and maintain a stable financial situation.

    How to Live Healthy?

    The answer is creating a healthy lifestyle in the long run.

    It is not just about one element - it's a holistic approach that includes all aspects of your health. It's about finding a balance between those pillars of health.

    If you want to determine your overall health using this holistic approach, you can answer the following questions.

    By doing this, you can identify areas where you may be lacking. The next section provides guides and sources to address those areas.

    Physical Health

    Sleep: Are you getting enough sleep each night? Do you feel rested when you wake up?

    Exercise: Do you engage in regular physical activity? Such as walking, running, swimming, or strength training.

    Nutrition: Are you eating a balanced and nutritious diet, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins?

    Water: Do you drink enough water to maintain proper bodily functions and prevent dehydration?

    Habits: What bad habits do you have that negatively impact your physical health?

    Conditions: Do you have any physical conditions that require special attention or treatment?

    Mental Health

    Activities: What kind of hobbies or activities do you engage in that positively impact your mental health? (For example, writing, meditation etc.)

    Thoughts: How do you manage your thoughts and prevent negative self-talk or rumination?

    Emotions: How do you manage your emotions and cope with difficult situations?

    Triggers: What kind of stressors or triggers affect your mental health negatively and how do you manage them?

    Conditions: Do you have any mental health conditions that require professional help or treatment?

    Spiritual Health

    Purpose and meaning: What gives your life meaning? Do you have clear goals and values that guide your behavior?

    Forgiveness: Are you able to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes or transgressions? How do you work towards forgiveness?

    Gratitude: What are you grateful for in your life? How do you cultivate a sense of appreciation and thankfulness?

    Compassion: How do you show empathy and kindness towards yourself and others? How do you practice compassion in your daily life?

    Reflection and self-awareness: Do you take time to reflect on your experiences and actions? How do you cultivate self-awareness?

    Integrity: Do you live in a way that aligns with your values and principles?

    Social Health

    Communication: How well do you express my thoughts and feelings? How well do you listen to others and understand their perspectives?

    Relationships: Do you have positive and meaningful connections with others? How do you nurture these relationships?

    Social networks: Do you have a diverse and supportive social network? How do you maintain and strengthen these connections?

    Sense of belonging: Do you feel connected to a community and have a sense of shared identity and purpose? How do you participate in this community?

    Empathy: Do you able to understand and share the feelings of others? How do you show empathy towards others?

    Trust: Do you trust the reliability, honesty, and goodwill of others in social interactions? How do you build trust in relationships?

    Boundaries: Do you able to establish and maintain appropriate personal boundaries in social situations? How do you communicate your boundaries to others?

    Intellectual Health

    Curiosity: Do you have curiosity in your life? What topics or areas of knowledge do you find yourself wanting to explore or learn more about?

    Creativity: Do you have ways, hobbies or tools to express your creativity? How much do you use your creative side in your life?

    Open-mindedness: How do you approach situations where you encounter perspectives or beliefs that are different from your own? How do you try to understand and appreciate diverse points of view?

    Learning: Are you willing to learn new things? How much do you often learn something new?

    Information: How do you evaluate the reliability and validity of sources of information? What sources do you use to feed your brain?

    Autonomy: How do you develop and articulate your own perspectives on issues or topics? How do you balance the influence of others' opinions with your own independent thinking?

    Financial Health

    Income: What is your current income and how does it compare to your expenses?

    Savings: Do you have an emergency fund or savings set aside for unexpected expenses or future goals?

    Debt: What is your total debt and what is your plan for paying it off?

    Budgeting: Do you have a budget in place and are you tracking your expenses?

    Investments: What type of investments do you have and how are they performing?

    Financial education: Are you continually learning and educating yourself about personal finance to make informed decisions?

    Guides and Sources For Each Element

    I know. I asked a lot of questions in the previous section, but each one has a purpose and importance in our life.

    If any of the answers are not good enough or not positive, you can check the detailed guides or resources below. They will help you to address those issues.

    Physical Health

    Sleep: “The Sleep Book, Important Information About Sleep” by Guy Meadows. The book offers practical advice and strategies for improving sleep quality and overcoming common sleep issues such as insomnia.

    Exercise: Movement Section

    Nutrition: If you want me to share one powerful source, it will be Dr. Berg’s YouTube channel. It contains almost every information you need about nutrition, eating habits etc.

    Water: “Water Therapy, Important Information About Water” by James Cooper. It explores the many benefits of drinking water, including improving digestion, increasing energy, and aiding in weight loss. The book also includes practical tips for incorporating more water into daily life and debunking common myths about hydration.

    Habits: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. It is a comprehensive guide to creating and sticking to healthy habits. Clear emphasizes the importance of small, incremental changes to our behavior over time and provides practical strategies for developing effective habits.

    Conditions: I recommend getting professional help here according to your conditions.

    Mental Health

    Activities: I especially recommend meditation and writing here.

    • Writing & Journalling: "The Artist's Way Morning Pages Journal" by Julia Cameron. This book is based on the popular creativity program "The Artist's Way," and includes daily writing prompts to help you tap into your creativity and improve your mental health.
    • Meditation & Mindfullness: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. This book emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and provides practical guidance on how to quiet the mind and cultivate inner stillness through meditation.

    Thoughts & Emotions: There are several books that I can recommend in this area.

    • "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David Burns. This book offers a cognitive-behavioral approach to treating depression and anxiety. It provided readers with tools to identify and change negative thought patterns and emotions.
    • "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay. Louise suggests that every physical ailment has an emotional root cause. She encourages readers to take responsibility for their own thoughts and emotions to heal themselves from within. The book includes affirmations, exercises, and meditations to help readers cultivate self-love, forgiveness, and positive thinking.

    Triggers: I strongly recommend you to find a specific guide, article or video about it. For example, social media was a very bad trigger and digital minimalism was a solution in my case. There is not one and complete guide about it. It really depends on your triggers. Just google it.

    Conditions: I recommend professional help here according to your conditions.

    Spiritual Health

    Purpose and meaning: It is a deep topic to discover in our lives.

    I have a guide and methodology for this one. You can check “Finding What You Want” section on Jobcrafting Guide.

    Also, books below can help you through finding your purpose and meaning in this life;

    • “The Element” by Ken Robinson. The book explores the concept of "the element" which is the intersection between one's passions and natural abilities, and how finding and pursuing it can lead to a life of meaning and purpose.
    • “The Path” by Micheal Puett & Christine Gross-Loh. The book draws insights from ancient Chinese philosophy to offer a guide to living a more fulfilling life, exploring ideas such as how to embrace change, finding purpose, and cultivating relationships.
    • “Ikigai” Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles. The book explores the concept of ikigai, which is the intersection between what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs, and what we can be paid for. Authors also talk about how discovering and pursuing it can lead to a fulfilling life.
    • “The Road Less Travelled” by Dr. Scott Peck. This book is a classic in the field of self-help and personal growth. It combines insights from psychology and spirituality to provide a framework for living a fulfilling life by confronting and solving problems.

    Forgiveness: "The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace" by Jack Kornfield. This book offers teachings and practices for cultivating forgiveness, lovingkindness, and compassion towards ourselves and others, drawing from Buddhist wisdom and psychology.

    Gratitude: I can recommend two book here;

    • "The Gratitude Diaries: How a Year Looking on the Bright Side Can Transform Your Life" by Janice Kaplan. In this book, the author chronicles her year-long journey of practicing gratitude and shares how it transformed her life.
    • “Wabi Sabi” by Beth Kempton. The book draws on the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi. It is the acceptance of the imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete, to inspire readers to embrace simplicity, authenticity, and beauty in their lives.

    Compassion: "Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself" by Kristin Neff. Neff draws on research and personal experience to explain the importance of self-compassion, how to cultivate it, and how it can positively impact our well-being. With practical exercises and examples, this book provides a roadmap for building a kinder, more compassionate relationship with ourselves.

    Reflection and self-awareness: “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown. The book offers a practical and holistic approach to personal growth by guiding readers through a 10-week process. This process includes developing presence and awareness, and addressing suppressed emotions and patterns.

    Integrity: "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book talks about four spiritual principles that can help us live more honestly and genuinely. These principles are:

    • Being very careful with what we say,
    • Not getting too affected by what others say or do,
    • Not assuming things without checking,
    • Always giving our best effort.

    Social Health

    Communication: "The Art of Communicating" by Thich Nhat Hanh. It is a book that focuses on developing clear and mindful communication skills to improve relationships and resolve conflicts. Hanh provides practical techniques for deep listening and compassionate speaking. It can help readers understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

    Relationships: "Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together" by Guy Finley. This book offers practical tools and exercises for deepening intimacy, building trust, and cultivating compassion. Finley emphasizes the importance of letting go of negative patterns and limiting beliefs. He encourages readers to embrace the transformative power of love in all areas of life.

    Social networks: "Friendship: The Evolution, Biology, and Extraordinary Power of Life's Fundamental Bond" by Lydia Denworth. The book explores the science and evolution of friendship and the importance of building and maintaining social connections for our well-being. It also provides practical tips on how to make new friends and deepen existing relationships.

    Sense of belonging: If you don't feel any sense of belonging, it may indicate that you haven't found our place. This can be a good reason to explore new environments, make new friends, or move. However, it can also indicate that you are rejecting your current environment and community. It means that you haven't accepted your roots. Good subject to think about. However, there is no comprehensive guide or book that I can recommend you on this topic for now. I will add one in the future.

    Empathy: "The War for Kindness: Building Empathy in a Fractured World" by Jamil Zaki. Zaki argues that empathy is not a fixed trait, but a skill that can be learned and strengthened through intentional effort. The book provides practical strategies for increasing empathy and fostering deeper connections with others, even in a world that seems increasingly divided.

    Trust: "The Speed of Trust" by Stephen M.R. Covey. The book offers practical advice and strategies for building and maintaining trust in personal and professional relationships. The book includes real-life examples and case studies to illustrate the principles and practices of trust-building.

    Boundaries: "Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life" by Henry Cloud and John Townsend. This book provides practical and biblically-based guidance on how to set and maintain healthy personal boundaries in all types of relationships, including romantic, family, and work relationships. It offers advice on;

    • How to say "no" without feeling guilty,
    • How to identify and deal with boundary violations,
    • How to build more satisfying and fulfilling relationships by setting appropriate limits.

    Intellectual Health

    Curiosity: If you have something in your mind, that’s good. Go for it. However, if you’re lacking curiosity, It means that you don’t know what you want or interested in. Our nature includes curiosity by default. If you don’t know what you want, you can check “Finding What You Want” section on Jobcrafting Guide.

    Creativity: "The Creative Habit" by Twyla Tharp. It is a practical guide to cultivating creativity in your life. Tharp argues that creativity is a skill that can be developed through regular habits and exercises. She offers practical advice, exercises, and anecdotes to help readers develop their own creative habits and achieve their artistic goals.

    Open-mindedness & Learning: I can recommend those two book for this topics.

    • "The Open Mind: Exploring the 6 Patterns of Natural Intelligence" by Dawna Markova and Angie McArthur. It explores the concept of natural intelligence and presents six patterns that can help individuals develop an open mind. The book offers practical exercises and strategies for enhancing curiosity, creativity, and open-mindedness.
    • "Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning" by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel. It presents evidence-based techniques for effective learning and retention of information. The authors emphasize the importance of active retrieval, spaced repetition, and the use of multiple senses in the learning process. The book also debunks common myths about learning and offers practical advice for students, teachers, and anyone interested in improving their learning skills.

    Information & Autonomy: Those two will give you new perspectives about thinking freely and having your own opinions.

    • "The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe" by Steven Novella. It is a comprehensive guide to critical thinking and skepticism in the modern world. Novella offers tools and techniques for evaluating claims and separating fact from fiction in a world full of misinformation and propaganda. The book covers a wide range of topics, from science and medicine to politics and the paranormal, and provides practical advice for anyone looking to improve their ability to think critically and rationally.
    • "The Courage to Be Disliked: The Japanese Phenomenon That Shows You How to Change Your Life and Achieve Real Happiness" by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. The authors present a conversation between a philosopher and a young man, discussing Adlerian psychology and how it can help readers live a happier life. The book emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for one's own life, accepting oneself, and choosing one's own path.

    Financial Health

    Income: If you want to increase your income, there are a few ways to do it. You can promote, you can change your job, you can start side hustle or focus on passive income methods. I have several sources related to those ones;

    Also, I can recommend a nice book which give powerful insights about this:

    • "The 4-Hour Work Week" by Timothy Ferriss. Ferriss shares his personal experiences and strategies on how to become more productive, automate your income, and delegate tasks to others. The book challenges traditional notions of work and encourages readers to create a life that aligns with their values and goals.

    Savings, Debt and Budgeting: These three topics are closely interconnected. That's why I will offer books that cover all three of them.

    • "The Psychology of Money" by Morgan Housel. Morgan Housel explains how our attitudes and emotions towards money can impact our financial decisions more than our knowledge or skills. The book provides valuable insights into the behavior and psychology of money, and offers practical tips for managing money more effectively.
    • "Debt-Free Forever" by Gail Vaz-Oxlade. It is a comprehensive guide to getting out of debt and building financial stability. The book provides practical tips for creating a budget, reducing expenses, and increasing income, as well as strategies for paying off debt and staying debt-free.
    • "The Budgeting Habit: How to Make a Budget and Stick to It!" by S.J. Scott and Rebecca Livermore. It offers a step-by-step guide to creating and sticking to a budget. The book provides practical tips for tracking expenses, setting financial goals, and creating a budget that works for you. It also offers strategies for staying motivated and making budgeting a habit.

    Investments: "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham. It is a classic investment book that has been updated several times. It emphasizes the importance of value investing, which involves buying securities that are undervalued by the market. The book provides a framework for analyzing stocks and bonds, and helps investors to make rational decisions based on data rather than emotions. It is a must-read for anyone interested in investing or personal finance.

    Financial education: All of those books which I already recommended also increase your financial education. In addition to them, I can recommend a few YouTube channel to consistently feed your brain.

    Passive Income

    “We are all of us richer than we think we are; but we are taught to borrow and to beg, and brought up more to make use of what is another’s than of our own.”

    Freedom and Money

    If we were to ask people passing by on the street, "What is holding you back?" I believe that most would say it's financial limitations. Many of us spend countless hours, and even years, in jobs that we don't enjoy or find meaningful, solely to earn a paycheck.

    A significant portion of our lives is devoted to work. We often endure egos and sometimes do things that aren't aligned with our values to provide for ourselves and our families. Usually, we try to adapt our work, except for those who truly enjoy their jobs.

    This situation exhausts us over time and depletes our energy. Life loses its flavor. We feel unhappy and restless. This unhappiness not only affects us but also has a negative impact on our family. We endure everything for them including our job. Unfortunately, when our work negatively affects us, it also has a negative impact on our family due to us.

    Many times, we feel like we are forced into this system and made to believe that we have to tolerate it. We're basically trapped in an economic cycle, with a large part of our energy spent within it.

    Recently, I realized that there are ways to break free from this cycle. It's called "Passive Income" and it offers some opportunities for achieving long-term freedom.

    I have to admit, though, that it's not easy or quick to get started. Also, it’s not actually passive as it says in the name. However, I believe that it provides opportunities that will give us freedom in the long run with significant effort.

    Bear with me, I will explain it.

    What is Passive Income?

    In simple terms, passive income is earnings generated from a certain amount of effort. More accurately, it can be described as a method, system, or product that requires substantial work or investment initially but eventually generates income even while a person is sleeping.

    Still, it is not completely passive. It's a bit of a misconception. However, if you want to earn money more independently and have the opportunity to grow it on your own, this type of income can offer that with sufficient effort.

    Passive Income Types

    There are many ways to generate passive income, such as purchasing property to earn rental income, creating a YouTube channel to broadcast content, investing in various fields, or even writing a book. The best part about passive income is that you can earn it without having to be physically present or perform tasks - all it takes is a certain amount of effort.

    We can classify passive income methods using a few criteria;

    • First, we can consider their entry cost or capital requirements.
    • Second, we can look at the time required to reach a certain point at which we start to make money.
    • Third, we can examine the effort required to maintain them.

    First Type

    First type has high entry costs and require a certain amount of savings, but do not require serious effort for continuity. For example; renting and investing.

    This type is well-known by the majority of the community and has been around for ages.


    Investing on Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds

    • Dividend income
    • Interest income
    • Capital gains.

    Investing on Crypto

    • Staking
    • Capital Gains

    It's also possible to invest in commodities, such as gold and silver, or in businesses. When you have capital, there are many opportunities to discover and evaluate. However, if you're looking for minimal effort and a long-term investment, less volatile markets would be the most logical option.

    Pros of investment

    • Provides potential for long-term growth and compounding returns,
    • Offers flexibility in terms of investment choices and strategies,
    • Can be a source of passive income with relatively little effort.

    Cons of investment

    • Involves market risk and volatility,
    • Requires some level of financial knowledge and expertise,
    • May involve management fees or other expenses.


    There are two main types of renting: real estate renting (apartments, houses, buildings, etc.) and asset renting (cars, boats, equipment, etc.). Additionally, online platforms like Airbnb make the renting process more manageable.

    Pros of Renting

    • Provides regular, consistent income,
    • Can be a long-term source of income,
    • Property and assets can appreciate in value.

    Cons of Renting

    • Requires an initial investment,
    • Can be time-consuming to manage property or assets,
    • Can involve maintenance costs and repair expenses.

    Second Type

    We can describe this type as having a low entry cost but requiring significant effort to reach or complete a certain point. However, it does not require a serious effort for continuity.

    It is basically about compiling, collecting, and selling our accumulated knowledge in a presentable manner. Selling digital products (music, video, photo, design, etc.) on stock websites, writing a book or preparing online training courses are great examples of this method.


    • Creates opportunity to make money from what we already know,
    • Offers flexibility in terms of work location and schedule,
    • Can require relatively low upfront costs to get started,
    • Provides creative freedom and satisfaction.


    • Can require significant time and effort upfront,
    • Can be competitive and requires effective marketing and promotion,
    • Can be unpredictable and inconsistent.

    Third Type

    It is a method that does not require initial costs and relatively less effort at the beginning. However, it requires serious consistency. Examples of this include YouTube broadcasting, blogging, and podcast publishing. In addition, affiliate marketing, which progresses in connection with these publishing activities, falls within this method.


    • Offers potential for high income,
    • Can be personally fulfilling and enjoyable,
    • Offers flexibility in terms of work location and schedule,
    • Can require relatively low upfront costs to get started.


    • Can require significant time and effort,
    • Can be competitive and challenging to monetize,
    • Can be unpredictable and inconsistent,
    • Involves a learning curve and requires some technical knowledge.

    Choosing the Right Type of Passive Income

    Most of passive income methods is covered by this classification. Of course, there are other passive income methods that require serious expertise, such as mobile application design.

    I mainly focused on passive income methods that anyone can grasp, try, and eventually achieve over time.

    It's time to pick out some passive income streams. The right choice for you depends on what you're interested in, good at, and what you want to achieve financially.

    To help you decide, take a look at the factors below.

    Your interests and skills: Choose a type of passive income that aligns with your interests and skills to ensure long-term success and enjoyment.

    • What topics do I have knowledge about?
    • In which subjects am I an expert?
    • What topics do I enjoy focusing on?

    Your financial goals: Determine how much passive income you need to achieve your financial goals and select a type of passive income that can deliver that amount.

    • How much money do I need to be financially free?
    • How much savings do I have for initial investments?
    • What are the things I own?

    Your lifestyle: Consider the amount of time and effort you want to invest in generating passive income and choose a type of passive income that align.

    • How much time and effort can I devote to this?
    • Do I want to see results quickly or am I willing to be patient for a long time?
    • How willing am I to learn new things and apply them?

    After answering those questions, you can review passive income types once again. This will give you an idea of which type is suitable for you.

    How Can We Learn Selected Method?

    Once you have selected suitable passive income method for you, the next step is to implement them.

    However, no one is born knowing how to do those things. Research and learning are necessary. Fortunately, there are many books, guides, platforms, and training resources available to us.

    Now I will share with you the resources that have helped me a lot in my own learning journey.


    There are many books about finance and money. However, some of these books may require a certain level of financial knowledge to understand and appreciate. Additionally, some of these books can be hard to read because of their language and subject matter.

    That's why I want to suggest two books that are both enjoyable to read and can fundamentally change how we think about the topic.


    There are plenty of sources on the internet that can teach you about passive income. However, many of them can be disorganized and lack a systematic approach. That's where online courses come in handy.

    Once you've selected a passive income method, taking some specific online courses can be highly beneficial for beginners. They'll enable you to gain a certain level of knowledge on the topic.

    Everyone has different learning preferences, and while some prefer simple explanations, others may opt for a conversational style. Nevertheless, I suggest using the following two platforms for beginners. Once you become familiar with the topic to a certain extent, you can also take advanced courses from people whose you appreciate and admire.

    Blogs & Channels

    Online platforms are a great option if you prefer to absorb information in smaller chunks and more frequently, rather than reading a long book or long course.

    There are quality blogs and their newsletters, as well as YouTube channels that you can follow. Here are the blogs and channels that I follow. (Some of them are not directly publish content on passive income, but time to time they share very helpful tips related to building a passive income.)


    “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
    Martin Luther King

    What Do I Mean By "Movement"?

    From the moment we come into this world until the day we leave it, we're always on the move. In fact, everything in nature, from atoms to galaxies, is in motion.

    Within this universal movement, there exists a special kind of harmony; a unique connection between movement and our bodies.

    Throughout history, people have found and mastered many different ways of moving. The list is endless. Such as dance, gymnastics, sports, fitness, calisthenics, animal flow, martial arts, and more.

    Movement Types

    Movement is a fundamental part of us. When we do not move, we feel like missing something.

    So let's do it. But which one? Which activity should we choose?

    We can categorize different types of movement using some basic elements. These elements are usually considered as endurance, strength, flexibility and balance. I agree with this categorization, but I also propose including recovery as an important factor. Recovery is often ignored and not given enough attention, even though it plays a crucial role.

    Here, you can find information about different movement types, including their pros and cons. Also, I have listed popular trainings related to each type.


    Strength training is a type of exercise that focuses on increasing muscle strength using weights or resistance bands. It is generally recommended for people who want to build muscle, increase bone density, and improve overall physical performance.

    Here are pros and cons of strength training:


    • Increases muscle strength and mass,
    • Boosts metabolism and burns more calories at rest,
    • Enhances overall physical performance.


    • Requires access to weights or resistance bands,
    • Can be intimidating for beginners,
    • Increases the risk of injury if not performed correctly.

    Popular Strength Trainings:

    1. Weight lifting: This is the most common type of strength training, which involves lifting heavy weights to build muscle mass and strength.
    2. Bodybuilding: This is a type of strength training that focuses on building muscle size and definition through high-volume training and strict nutrition.
    3. Bodyweight training: This involves using your own body weight as resistance, such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats.
    4. Resistance band training: This type of training uses resistance bands to provide resistance and build muscle strength.
    5. Powerlifting: This involves lifting the heaviest weight possible for a single repetition, using exercises like the squat, bench press, and deadlift.
    6. Strongman training: This type of training involves performing exercises that mimic the movements of strongman competitions, such as carrying heavy objects and flipping tires.
    7. Calisthenics: This involves using your body weight to perform a series of exercises that build strength and endurance, such as push-ups, pull-ups, and squats.
    8. CrossFit: This type of training combines various forms of strength training, endurance training, and functional movements to build overall fitness and strength.


    This exercise helps improve cardiovascular endurance by doing activities that make your heart rate and breathing go faster, like running, biking, or swimming. It's usually suggested for people who want to get healthier.

    Here are pros and cons of endurance training:


    • Improves cardiovascular health and endurance,
    • Burns calories and aids in weight loss,
    • Can be done with little to no equipment.


    • Can be challenging for people with joint problems,
    • Can be monotonous for some individuals,
    • May increase the risk of injury if not performed correctly.

    Popular Endurance Trainings:

    1. Running: Running is a form of aerobic exercise that involves continuous movement of the legs and feet. It can be done on a treadmill or outdoors and can range from short sprints to long-distance runs.
    2. Cycling: Cycling is a low-impact form of exercise that involves pedaling a stationary bike or riding a bicycle outdoors. It can be done at various intensities and durations, from leisurely rides to high-intensity intervals.
    3. Swimming: Swimming is a full-body workout that involves using various strokes to move through the water. It is a low-impact exercise that is easy on the joints and can be done at different intensities and distances.
    4. Rowing: Rowing is a total-body workout that involves using a rowing machine or rowing a boat outdoors. It can be done at various intensities and durations and is great for improving cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength.
    5. Jumping Rope: Jumping rope is a fun and effective form of cardio exercise that can be done with little to no equipment. It is a high-intensity exercise that can improve cardiovascular endurance and coordination.
    6. Hiking: Hiking is a great way to improve cardiovascular endurance while enjoying nature. It can be done on various terrains and can range from leisurely walks to more challenging hikes.
    7. Dancing: Dancing is a fun way to improve cardiovascular endurance while also improving coordination and balance. It can be done in various styles, such as salsa, hip-hop, or ballroom dancing.
    8. Walking: Walking is a low-impact endurance training that involves walking at a moderate pace for an extended period, typically 30 minutes or more. It is a great way to improve cardiovascular health, burn calories, and enhance overall fitness level.


    This type of movement focuses on improving flexibility and range of motion through stretches and mobility exercises. It is generally recommended for people who want to improve joint health and reduce the risk of injury.

    Here are pros and cons of flexibility training:


    • Improves flexibility and range of motion,
    • Reduces the risk of injury,
    • Enhances physical performance by allowing for greater range of motion,
    • Can be done with little to no equipment.


    • Can be time-consuming,
    • Requires proper form to prevent injury,
    • Not as effective for building muscle or increasing cardiovascular endurance.

    Popular Flexibility Trainings:

    1. Yoga: A form of exercise that combines stretching, strength, and breathing to improve flexibility, balance, and relaxation.
    2. Pilates: A low-impact form of exercise that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and body control through precise movements and breathing techniques.
    3. Stretching:
      1. Static stretching: A type of stretching that involves holding a stretch for a period of time, typically 30 seconds to 2 minutes, to improve range of motion and flexibility.
      2. Dynamic stretching: A type of stretching that involves movement to improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall performance. It is often used as a warm-up before exercise.
      3. Active stretching: A type of stretching that involves using your own muscles to stretch a specific muscle or group of muscles. It is often used in rehabilitation and injury prevention.
    4. Foam rolling: A form of self-myofascial release that involves using a foam roller to apply pressure to tight or sore muscles, in order to release tension and improve flexibility.
    5. Tai Chi: A low-impact form of exercise that involves slow, controlled movements and deep breathing to improve flexibility, balance, and relaxation.
    6. Gymnastics: Gymnastics involves performing a variety of movements and poses on various apparatus, such as balance beams and rings. It increases flexibility.


    This movement style aims to enhance balance and stability by doing exercises that test the body's ability to stay balanced. Some examples are exercises done on one leg, standing on unstable surfaces, and yoga poses. Balance training is usually suggested for individuals who want to lower the chances of falling and enhance overall stability.

    Here are pros and cons of balance training:


    • Improves balance and stability,
    • Reduces the risk of falls and injury,
    • Enhances overall physical performance,
    • Can be done with little to no equipment.


    • Can be challenging for beginners,
    • Requires focus and concentration,
    • Not as effective for building muscle or increasing cardiovascular endurance.

    Popular Balance Trainings:

    1. Yoga: Yoga is a type of balance training that focuses on body alignment, breathing, and flexibility. It involves a series of postures and movements that require balance and stability.
    2. Pilates: Pilates is a type of balance training that focuses on core strength, alignment, and breathing. It involves a series of controlled movements that require balance and stability.
    3. Tai Chi: Tai Chi is a type of balance training that originated in China. It involves slow, controlled movements and deep breathing exercises that improve balance, flexibility, and relaxation.
    4. Standing on unstable surfaces: Standing on unstable surfaces, such as a balance disc or foam pad, challenges the body's ability to maintain balance and stability.
    5. Functional training: Functional training involves performing exercises that mimic real-life movements and activities. It requires balance and stability to perform movements such as lunges, squats, and single-leg balances.
    6. Slack-lining: Slack-lining involves walking or balancing on a narrow, flexible webbing. It challenges the body's ability to maintain balance and stability.
    7. Gymnastics: Gymnastics involves performing a variety of movements and poses on various apparatus, such as balance beams and rings. It requires balance, coordination, and strength.
    8. Martial arts: Martial arts involve a series of movements and techniques that require balance and stability. Examples include karate, judo, and taekwondo.


    This type of movement focuses on promoting recovery and reducing muscle soreness by performing exercises that increase blood flow and decrease inflammation, such as foam rolling, stretching, and yoga. It is generally recommended for people looking to improve post-workout recovery and reduce the risk of injury.

    Here are pros and cons of recovery training:


    • Promotes recovery and reduces muscle soreness
    • Reduces the risk of injury
    • Enhances overall physical performance
    • Requires little to no equipment


    • Not as effective for building muscle or increasing cardiovascular endurance
    • Can be time-consuming
    • Requires proper form to prevent injury

    Popular Recovery Trainings:

    1. Stretching: Improving flexibility and reducing muscle soreness can be achieved by stretching before and after exercise. It helps to increase blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscles.
    2. Foam rolling: To release tension in muscles and improve circulation, foam rolling involves applying pressure to specific areas of the body, such as the back, legs, and arms.
    3. Yoga: Designed to improve flexibility, balance, and relaxation, yoga is a form of exercise that involves a series of poses and stretches. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety.
    4. Meditation: Achieving a mentally clear and emotionally calm state can be done by focusing your attention on a particular object, thought, or activity through meditation. It can help to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
    5. Massage: To improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation, massage involves manipulating muscles and other soft tissues.
    6. Active recovery: Promoting blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscles and reducing muscle soreness can be done through engaging in low-intensity exercise, such as walking or swimming, known as active recovery.

    Choosing The Right Type of Movement

    It depends on your;

    • Taste,
    • Body,
    • Sports background,
    • Movement abilities,
    • And opportunities.

    However, I believe that all types should to be considered. We need strength, endurance, flexibility, balance for a healthy body. Also, recovery is important in the long run.

    With this perspective, I have adopted bodybuilding, calisthenics, dance, cycling, meditation, and tai chi. I found them appropriate for my taste and body. You can determine what works best for you.

    I can help you decide with “How to Choose Right Movement” section.

    I am not a health or sports expert. I am simply sharing the information that I have learned and applied. It is your responsibility to consider and apply it. I highly recommend consulting with an expert before making any decisions.

    How to Choose Right Movement

    To choose the right movement, you need to answer the following questions. Based on your answers, your options will become clear.

    Personal preference: What type of training do you enjoy?
    Choose exercises that you enjoy doing. If you don't enjoy an exercise, you are less likely to stick with it. It's up to your character and personal preferences. For example, I prefer to exercise alone, with full control and awareness, without rushing. I don't like cardio exercises too much. Write down your preferences and they will give you hints towards which type is good for you.

    Fitness level: What is your current fitness level?
    Be honest about your current fitness level to help determine the appropriate level of intensity and duration for your training. Try to be patient and start with easy exercises. Over time, you can improve yourself quickly.

    Age: How old are you?
    Age is an important factor when selecting exercises. As we age, our bodies become less flexible and less able to handle intense exercises. Selecting exercises that are less stressful on joints and bones can be helpful.

    Health condition: What are your physical limitations?
    If you have any health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, you should consult with a doctor before starting any exercise program. Some exercises may be more appropriate than others depending on your health condition. You'll want to choose training that is safe and appropriate for your body.

    Goals: What are your fitness goals?
    Consider your fitness goals when selecting exercises. It is a broad question, so let's expand on it a little. You can consider the following:

    • Weight loss: A combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercises, such as running, swimming, or cycling, can help you lose weight. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is also a good option to burn calories quickly.
    • Muscle building: Strength training with weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises can help you build muscle. Progressive overload training is an effective way to gradually increase the load on your muscles and stimulate muscle growth.
    • Improved cardiovascular health: Endurance training, such as running, swimming, or cycling, is great for improving cardiovascular health. Interval training or high-intensity training can also be effective for improving cardiovascular fitness.
    • Rehabilitation from injury: Depending on the injury, you may need to do specific exercises to help you recover. It is important to consult with a doctor or physical therapist to determine the appropriate exercises.
    • Improved flexibility: Flexibility training, such as yoga or stretching, can help improve flexibility and mobility.
    • Improved balance and stability: Balance training exercises, such as yoga, Pilates, or Tai Chi, can help improve balance and stability.
    • Stress relief: Meditation, yoga, and Pilates are great for reducing stress and promoting relaxation.
    • Improved overall health and fitness: A combination of strength training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility training, and balance training can help improve overall health and fitness.

    Time availability: What is your schedule like?
    Consider the amount of time you have available to exercise. Be realistic about it if you want to create a system in the long run. Some exercises may require more time than others, so choose exercises that fit within your schedule.

    Equipment availability: What type of equipment or facilities do you have access to?
    Some exercises require special equipment, such as weights or resistance bands. Consider the equipment you have access to when selecting exercises. It can also help you to create a suitable environment if you don't have it yet.

    Injury history: What are your injuries?
    Consider any injuries you may have when selecting your training. You'll want to choose a training that is safe and appropriate for your body. For example, I have a problem with my knee and wrists. I’m always careful when it comes to pushing those parts of my body.

    Skill level: What is your current skill level?
    Consider your skill level when selecting exercises. Some exercises may require more skill or coordination than others. If you're a beginner, for example, you may want to start with a basic program that focuses on building strength and flexibility gradually. On the other hand, if you're more experienced and looking for a greater challenge, you may want to seek out advanced training programs that can help you achieve more difficult goals.

    How Can We Effectively Learn Selected Movements?

    Let’s say you have selected a specific training. Such as: pilates, body building, yoga, tai chi, cycling etc.

    To learn it more efficiently, you can follow the steps below.

    Step 1: Select The Way of Learning

    First, you need to determine the method of learning. Here, you can find various ways and explanations about different learning methods.

    1. Group classes on professional studios: These places provide a range of classes and workshops for various types of exercises, like yoga, pilates, tai chi, etc. Skilled instructors will lead these classes and help you with the correct posture and technique for each exercise.
    2. Online tutorials and videos: There are lots of online resources to learn different types of movements. You can find videos, classes, and tutorials on YouTube, websites, and social media. Just make sure the source is trustworthy and the instructions are from a qualified instructor.
    3. Books and magazines: Magazines and instructional books can give you detailed information and step-by-step guides to learn different types of movements. They may also have useful tips and recommendations from experts.
    4. Personal trainers: Working with a personal trainer can help you learn a specific movement type. They can provide individual guidance and feedback to help you improve your form and technique.

    Step 2: Start with the basics

    When you're first starting out either class, personal trainer or online course, it's important to focus on the basics. Even if you're eager to jump right into advanced poses or techniques, it's essential to master the foundations first. This will help you build a strong fundamental and reduce your risk of injury.

    After many years, I’m still sticking to fundamentals. Most rewarding ones are them.

    Try to focus on fundamentals and avoid chasing short-term results.

    Step 3: Practice regularly

    Consistency is key for almost everything.

    Try to practice on a regular basis, even if it's just for a few minutes each day. This will help you build muscle memory and improve your technique over time.

    Do not try to push so hard. Add it to your habits and your lifestyle. Create reminders and do it with your friends if it is possible.

    Most importantly, make it enjoyable. By doing so, you won't see it as an obligation but rather as a joyful part of your daily life.

    Step 4: Listen to your body

    It's really important to listen to your body along the way. If you're experiencing pain or discomfort, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your technique or take a break.

    Also, don’t compare yourself with others in the class or in online platforms. Just listen your own body. It will tell you what you need.

    Step 5: Seek feedback

    As you progress in your practice, seek feedback from your instructor or a qualified practitioner. They can help you identify areas where you can improve and provide guidance on how to refine your technique. It is always good to get an opinion from qualified person.

    Sources For Movement

    I want to share with you the resources that have been very helpful in my own learning journey.


    Movement is a wide topic that covers many types of trainings. To understand and enjoy some of these books, you need to have a certain level of knowledge. Also, some of these books can be hard to read because of their language and subject.

    That's why I want to suggest books that are both fun to read and can really change the way we think about the topic.

    • "The Anatomy of Stretching" by Brad Walker: "The Anatomy of Stretching" by Brad Walker is a great guide to stretching techniques and the underlying anatomy behind them. This book provides in-depth explanations of how stretching works, the benefits of stretching, and how to stretch safely and effectively. With over 100 stretches and clear instructions accompanied by photographs, readers can easily perform each stretch correctly. The book also covers different types of stretches, including static, dynamic, and PNF stretching. Additionally, it includes advice on designing a stretching program that suits your needs and goals. Overall, "The Anatomy of Stretching" is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their flexibility and overall fitness.
    • "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" by Arnold Schwarzenegger: "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" is a comprehensive guide to bodybuilding, written by Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of the most famous bodybuilders of all time. The book covers many thing from the basics of bodybuilding to advanced training techniques, nutrition, and competition preparation. Schwarzenegger shares his personal experiences and insights on how to develop a strong, muscular physique through weight training, cardio, and nutrition. Additionally, the book features workout plans, exercise descriptions, and various exercises. Overall, "The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding" is an excellent resource for anyone looking to get into bodybuilding or take their training to the next level. It provides practical advice and detailed information on all aspects of the sport, making it a valuable resource for beginners and experienced bodybuilders alike.
    • "Mindfulness" by Christophe Andre: Christophe Andre is a French psychiatrist and psychotherapist who has written several books on meditation and mindfulness. In his book "Mindfulness: 25 Ways to Live in the Moment Through Art," he offers practical advice and exercises for cultivating mindfulness in everyday life. According to Andre, mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment with curiosity and openness, without judging or analyzing one's experience. He suggests that mindfulness can be practiced through a range of activities, such as walking, eating, and even doing the dishes. The book provides simple exercises and meditations to help readers develop their mindfulness skills, as well as reflections on the benefits of living with greater awareness and acceptance. Overall, Andre's book offers a friendly and accessible introduction to mindfulness that can be helpful for anyone interested in cultivating greater presence and peace in their lives.
    • "The Healing Breath" by Luis S. R. Vas: This book is a nice guide to the ancient practice of pranayama, or breath control. This comprehensive book explains how controlling your breath can greatly improve your physical, emotional, and mental health. It provides detailed instructions on various breathing techniques, drawing on both Eastern and Western approaches to breathing practices. The book also includes practical exercises and meditations that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. It is a good resource for anyone interested in exploring the transformative power of breath-work.
    • "Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth" by Peter Kelder: This book outlines a series of five ancient Tibetan rites. These rites are said to promote youthfulness and health by stimulating the chakras, increasing energy flow, and enhancing physical and mental well-being. The book explains the origins of the rites and provides detailed instructions on how to perform each one. According to Kelder, the rites can help increase strength, flexibility, balance, and overall vitality. While some of the claims in the book are controversial and unverified, the simple exercises described in the book can be a useful addition to a daily wellness routine.


    There are plenty of sources on the internet that can teach you about movement types. However, many of them can be disorganized and lack a systematic approach. That's where online courses come in handy.

    Once you've selected a training type, taking some specific online courses can be highly beneficial for beginners. They'll enable you to gain a certain level of knowledge on the topic.

    Everyone has different learning preferences. While some prefer simple explanations, others may opt for a conversational style.

    Nevertheless, I suggest using the following two platforms for beginners instead of going directly to an individual's website, as they offer more expensive courses.

    After you become familiar with the topic to a certain extent, you can also take courses from people whose you appreciate or admire.

    Blogs & Channels

    Online platforms are a great option if you prefer to absorb information in smaller chunks and more frequently, rather than reading a long book or long course.

    There are quality blogs and their newsletters, as well as YouTube channels that you can follow. Here are the blogs and channels that I follow:


    Let's delve into the smaller pieces of our puzzle: concepts. We can also view them as the bricks of our building. I will explain their importance through our use of language.

    We all think in our native language. We understand everything using the ideas and words that are part of our language. We create our thoughts and values based on them.

    That's why when I look for the right questions, I concentrate on the main concepts in our native language. Because our thoughts, beliefs, decisions, and perceptions are all shaped and affected by these concepts.

    For example, think about how you define success. If we associate it with earning more money, we will strive for it. If helping more people or building a good family weighs more in our definition of success, we will devote our time to them.

    At the end of the day, our destination can vary depending on how we define them.

    Most of the time, society tells us what these concepts mean. As we get older, we usually agree with these definitions. However, your answers might be different from what society thinks. But, it is nearly impossible to understand that without questioning.

    Don’t be afraid of asking deep questions to yourself. This is a good way to discover your unique answers. It’s a good way to know yourself.

    We can do this through concepts and related questions.

    You can find them at Life Hub in an organized way. You can also get them in your mailbox every month via my newsletter.

    It is actually a weekly newsletter. The last issue of each month focuses on one key concept. I share my personal experiences related to that concept and include the most important questions about it. Additionally, I recommend movies, books, and talks that are relevant to the concept.

    You can check example issues below.

    Drop Heavy Burdens: How Letting Go Can Make You Free
    In this article, I talk about dropping heavy burdens such as perfectionism, mental limitations etc. Click here for details.
    Have You Ever Wanted to Freeze Time and Just Stop for a While?
    This article is about stopping and looking at everything with a fresh perspective. Click here for details.


    If you eat too much, you become fat or gain weight, right? The same applies to the mental side. What we consume mentally shapes our thoughts. We are influenced by what we read, experience, and witness.

    That's why it's crucial to be mindful of what we internalize. Let’s consume good sources for our brains. You can find those valuable sources below.

    They can help you:

    • Ask deep questions of yourself,
    • View things from various angles,
    • Discover new truths about yourself,
    • See the big picture in life,
    • Be peaceful and happy.


    You can find books related to this guide's topics on the page below.

    Out of the 1000+ books I've read so far, I've listed non-fiction books worth reading, categorized by their topics.

    For those who don't have time to read them all, I've also shared the top five separately.

    Book Lists


    You can find movies related to this guide's topics on the page below.

    Out of the 1100+ movies I've watched so far, I've compiled a list of the most worthwhile ones.

    For those who don't have time to watch them all, I've also shared the top ten separately.

    Movie Lists


    Thanks to TED talks, my approach towards speeches has changed significantly. Their value drastically increased for me.

    I have listed the speeches that have affected me the most in this section. You can click below to access the list.

    Talk Lists

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