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    "Discover. Apply. Change." Newsletter

    21 min read
    "Discover. Apply. Change." Newsletter

    Table of contents

    Every Saturday, you will get a piece of puzzle. Those pieces will give you actionable tips, thought-provoking questions, and insights about four main topic; “Life”, “Career”, “Reading” and “Speaking”. They're for clarity, fulfillment, and happiness in your life.

    Each topic also has its own comprehensive guide. You can click here to find out more. If you want to apply everything from those guides to your life, you can check out "Hubs". Hubs are the final framed versions of the puzzles.

    You can get the pieces by entering your email and signing up for free right now.

      Previous Issues of "Discover. Apply. Change."

      What Do You Expect From This Newsletter?

      I'm here to send you the content and newsletter you really enjoy. Your thoughts mean a lot to me.

      • What do you expect from this newsletter?
      • What are your biggest challenges in the following topics: "Life", "Career", "Reading", and "Speaking"?
      • Is there a specific topic or subtopic you want to learn about?

      If you could send an email to about your thoughts, I’d really appreciate it.

      Alternatively, you can answer those questions by clicking the link below.

      Thanks for reading. It's good to have you!