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    Notes and Lists

    3 min read
    Notes and Lists

    Table of contents

    I've been taking notes since my college days. At first, I used notebooks and colored pens, and I even scribbled in the margins of books. My notes were scattered all over the place, which made it hard to find what I needed.

    Eventually, I decided to organize everything in one place to make it easier to use. I put them all in a Microsoft Excel file. It was a tough process. Still, I couldn't manage them as I wanted.

    I've improved my note-taking system significantly over time. I've categorized them and linked them with relevant keywords. I've tried to structure them effectively, but it wasn't enough.

    Then, I found the Notion platform. At first, it didn't seem like it could do much. When I discovered its capabilities, I realized it was exactly what I needed. I migrated all of my notes from thousands of books, articles, movies, and talks to Notion databases. I connected everything in Notion and greatly improved my note taking system. Finally, I had an efficient structure to manage all of my notes. I use that system extensively when creating my content. In fact, this website exists thanks to that system.

    In this section, I've created two kinds of content for you from my databases: "Notes" and "Lists."


    Here, I'm sharing my notes taken with that system. However, there is one important distinction. I'm only providing sources (books, movies, and talks) worth your time. You can reach them below.

    Book Notes - GG
    Here, I am sharing my notes from books I have read. I only include books that are worth your time. You can find key ideas, how to apply them, and quotes for each book.
    Movie Notes - GG
    Here, I am sharing my notes from movies I have watched. I only include movies that are worth your time. You can find key ideas, how to apply them, and quotes for each movie.
    Talk Notes - GG
    Here, I am sharing my notes from talks I have listened. I only include talks that are worth your time. You can find key ideas, how to apply them, and quotes for each talk.

    Each note has the following structure.


    1. Key Ideas From “Source”
    2. How to Apply Key Ideas in Your Life
    3. Notes From “Source”
    4. Related List and Guide


    Thanks to keyword linking in my note-taking system, I can curate lists on various topics from books, movies, and talks. You can reach them below.

    Book Lists
    In this page, you can find book lists from non-fiction books in various topics such as habits, wisdom, life purpose etc. For more, click here.
    Movie Lists
    In this page, you can find movie lists in various topics such as relationships, wisdom, change etc. For more, click here.
    Talks That Changed My Perspective
    ✒️“Words have incredible power. They can make people’s hearts soar, or they can make people’s hearts sore.” Dr. Mardy Grothe When words are paired with perfect gestures, silences, and varying tones, they transform into a perfect talk. I’m going to share all those perfect talks that deeply affected

    Want me to make a list on a certain topic or share my notes on specific source? Drop me a line at I love hearing your thoughts and suggestions.