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    “Want to be Happy? Be Grateful” by David Steindl-Rast

    3 min read
    “Want to be Happy? Be Grateful” by David Steindl-Rast

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    David Steindl-Rast emphasizes the connection between happiness and gratitude. He highlights the importance of being grateful for each moment and finding joy in the simple things in life. By cultivating a grateful mindset, we can experience true happiness and a greater sense of fulfillment.

    For Key Ideas, Questions and Quotes from this talk, you can scroll below.

    David Steindl-Rast gave this speech at the TED Conference. All rights to the speech and the video above belong to TED.

    About David Steindl-Rast

    David Steindl-Rast OSB is an Austrian-American Catholic Benedictine monk, author, and lecturer. He is committed to interfaith dialogue and has dealt with the interaction between spirituality and science. (Source: Wikipedia)

    Key Ideas From Talk

    Although we know that happiness is not something to be pursued, we still chase after it. That's how I came across David's TED talk on a day when I was chasing after happiness, without really knowing what I was chasing. It was a humble, simple yet powerful speech that deeply impressed me and still has an impact on me.

    After the talk, I saw myself as a cat chasing its own tail, and my mental rush came to an end. I stopped. I realized that there was no need for all this rush, and that simply being, even just breathing, was actually enough.

    Upon reflecting on the talk, I can list the effects that remained in me and the main ideas I extracted as follows:

    1. Gratitude is a powerful force for happiness: It's amazing how much happier we can become when we focus on the good things in our lives and express gratitude for them. It can really shift our perspective and help us feel more positive emotions.
    2. Gratitude is a way of life, not just an emotion: According to David, gratitude isn't just something we feel when something good happens to us. It's a way of living that involves cultivating an attitude of gratitude towards all aspects of our lives.
    3. Gratitude can be practiced in small ways every day: David suggests that we can cultivate gratitude by doing small acts of kindness and expressing appreciation for the people and things in our lives. This can involve keeping a gratitude journal, saying thank you more often, and taking time to appreciate the beauty in nature.
    4. Gratitude can help us cope with difficult times: David notes that gratitude can be especially helpful during times of stress, sadness, or hardship. By focusing on the good things in our lives, even when things are tough, we can find greater resilience and emotional strength.
    5. Gratitude can help us build stronger relationships: David suggests that expressing gratitude towards others can help us build stronger, more positive relationships. By acknowledging and appreciating the good things that others do for us, we can create a more supportive and loving environment in our lives.

    Questions to Ask Ourselves

    1. What am I grateful for today?
    2. How can I cultivate a habit of gratitude in my daily life?
    3. What are some small acts of kindness I can practice to express gratitude towards others?
    4. How can I shift my perspective to focus on the good things in my life, even during difficult times?
    5. What are some ways I can remind myself to be grateful throughout the day?

    Notes From Talk

    "It is not happiness that makes us grateful. It's gratefulness that makes us happy."
    "Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have, we will not be happy - because we will always want to have something else or something more."
    "In daily life, we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but the gratefulness that makes us happy."
    "When we focus on our blessings rather than our problems, we can experience greater happiness, contentment, and overall well-being."
    "Gratitude is the open door to abundance. It's the pathway to joy, love, and inner peace."

    This talk is a part of following list: "Talks That Changed My Perspective".