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    “What Reality are You Creating for Yourself?” by Isaac Lidsky

    4 min read
    “What Reality are You Creating for Yourself?” by Isaac Lidsky

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    Lidsky challenges us to take control of our lives by changing our perceptions and letting go of fear, encouraging us to create a reality that empowers us.

    For Key Ideas, Questions and Quotes from this talk, you can scroll below.

    Isaac Lidsky gave this talk at the TED Conference. All rights to the talk and the video above belong to TED.

    About Isaac Lidsky

    Isaac Lidsky is an American corporate speaker, author, actor and entrepreneur. Before losing his sight, he played Weasel on NBC's Saved by the Bell: The New Class. He is the first blind person to serve as a law clerk for the U.S. Supreme Court. (Source: Wikipedia)

    Key Ideas From Talk

    Isaac Lidsky discusses how the world we imagine in our minds is heavily influenced by our emotions and environment, leading to an illusion of reality. Unfortunately, we tend to create this illusion in an unhealthy manner, allowing fears, emotions, and environmental factors to distort our perception of reality. As a result, we cannot accurately see and interpret the world or events as they truly are. We carry unrealistic burdens in this artificial world we have created.

    Lidsky suggests taking responsibility for everything we experience as a means of releasing these burdens and returning to reality.

    Lidsky's TED talk was very effective in improving my perception of certain issues and increasing my awareness, thanks to examples from his own life. Here are ideas from the speech that caught my attention:

    1. Perception shapes our reality: Lidsky emphasizes that our reality is not objective but rather influenced by our own perceptions and beliefs. Our interpretations and assumptions can greatly impact how we experience the world.
    2. Choose your mindset: Lidsky encourages us to choose a mindset that empowers us. Instead of being limited by self-doubt or negative beliefs, we can consciously adopt a growth mindset that allows us to overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities.
    3. Embrace accountability and responsibility: Lidsky stresses the importance of taking ownership of our lives and choices. By acknowledging our personal responsibility, we can make intentional decisions that align with our values and goals, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
    4. Focus on what you can control: Lidsky advises us to focus on the things within our control and not get caught up in worrying about external factors. By directing our energy towards the aspects of our lives that we can influence, we can make positive changes and achieve our desired outcomes.
    5. Embrace change and adaptability: Lidsky highlights the importance of embracing change and being adaptable in the face of uncertainty. Instead of resisting or fearing change, we can view it as an opportunity for growth and learning, allowing us to navigate through life's challenges with resilience and optimism.
    6. Live with gratitude and appreciation: Lidsky encourages us to cultivate gratitude and appreciate the present moment. By shifting our focus to the positive aspects of our lives, we can enhance our overall well-being and find joy in everyday experiences.

    Questions to Ask Ourselves

    Perception and Reality:

    1. How do my perceptions and beliefs shape my reality?
    2. Are there any limiting beliefs or assumptions that I hold? How can I challenge or change them to create a more positive reality?


    1. What mindset do I typically adopt in challenging situations? Is it more fixed or growth-oriented?
    2. How can I cultivate a growth mindset that empowers me to overcome obstacles and embrace new opportunities?

    Accountability and Responsibility:

    1. Am I taking full ownership of my choices and actions in life?
    2. How can I better align my decisions with my values and goals to create a more fulfilling life?

    Focus and Control:

    1. Where am I currently directing most of my energy and attention? Is it on things within my control or external factors?
    2. How can I shift my focus to the aspects of my life that I have influence over and take action towards positive change?

    Adaptability and Change:

    1. How comfortable am I with embracing change and uncertainty?
    2. What steps can I take to develop greater adaptability and resilience in the face of life's challenges?

    Gratitude and Appreciation:

    1. Do I regularly practice gratitude and appreciate the present moment?
    2. How can I incorporate more gratitude into my daily life and find joy in the small things?

    Notes From Talk

    You are the creator of your reality. With that empowerment comes complete responsibility.
    I learned that what we see is not universal truth. It is not objective reality. What we see is a unique, personal, virtual reality that is masterfully constructed by our brain.
    To create the experience of sight, your brain references your conceptual understanding of the world, other knowledge, your memories, opinions, emotions, mental attention. All of these things and far more are linked in your brain to your sight. These linkages work both ways, and usually occur subconsciously. So for example, what you see impacts how you feel, and the way you feel can literally change what you see.
    What you see is a complex mental construction of your own making, but you experience it passively as a direct representation of the world around you. You create your own reality, and you believe it. I believed mine until it broke apart. The deterioration of my eyes shattered the illusion.
    Your fears distort your reality.
    If I had not confronted the reality of my fear, I would have lived it. I am certain of that.
    Hold yourself accountable for every moment, every thought, every detail. See beyond your fears. Recognize your assumptions. Harness your internal strength. Silence your internal critic. Correct your misconceptions about luck and about success. Accept your strengths and your weaknesses, and understand the difference. Open your hearts to your bountiful blessings.

    This talk is a part of following list: "Talks That Changed My Perspective".